Blogging was just like writing a story for me. I tried to research topics I thought were interesting. Writing anything green, let alone writing about green agriculture, food, etc., was a topic I was completely unfamiliar with. I never knew half of the stuff I know today thanks to my blog. I also talked to many interesting and environment conscious people.
My favorite blog was one I wrote on the Santa Cruz Farmers Market. This market was nationally recognized so I became curious about it. One Thursday, I went to the market with a writing a blog in mind. I ended up meeting wonderful people selling local and unique products as well as people buying fresh and local produce and herbs. I ended up meeting a woman from the Tohono O'odham reservation. She worked for the food coop farm there. I ended up getting her contact information and I got to tour the farm. I also got to write a story about it with my friend Sara Borzatta. It was one of the coolest experiences I had.
My blog and The Cat Scan have broadened my awareness of living green. Although I do not live the greenest of lifestyle, I plan to get better at it thanks to the work I did this semester. I have gained more knowledge of what is going regarding the environment. I am more aware of what has been going on in the Tucson community, which is a direct result from my soon-to-be journalism degree and this class.
I am a firm believer that anything you do, even if it is the most minute thing, makes a difference. The gradual steps will eventually lead to bigger and better steps to help make a difference in saving the environment and the earth.
I would like to thank my peers and my professor, Jay Rochlin, for teaching me what I know today and an unforgettable last semester at the University of Arizona.
Take this quiz, Consumer Consequences, to see how many earths you need to live your lifestyle now.
Some photos to recap my semester: